2025-03-27 Kathleen Ngangoue (UCLA Anderson School of Management)
The Resolution of Uncertainty in the Value and Probability Domains (joint with Eungik Lee and Andrew Schotter).
Room: E1.17, 16:00-17:15.


5 MOST RECENT PUBLICATIONS (click for abstract)
Amasino, Dianna R., Davide D. Pace and Joël J. van der Weelw (2024) Fair Shares and Selective Attention American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 16, PDF-file Link to article
Pace, Davide, Taisuke Imai, Peter Schwardmann, Joel val der Weele (2024) Uncertainty about carbon impact and the willingness to avoid CO2 Emissions Ecological Economics 227, Link to article
Hirmas, Alejandro, Jan B. Engelmann, Joel van der Weele (2024) Individual and Contextual Effects of Attention in Risky Choice Experimental Economics PDF-file Link to article
Amasino, Dianna, Davide Pace, Joel van der Weele (2023) Self-serving bias in redistribution choices: Accounting for beliefs and norms Journal of Economic Psychology 98, 102654 PDF-file Link to article
Engelmann, Jan B., Maël Lebreton, Nahuel A. Salem-Garcia, Peter Schwardmann, Joël J. van der Weele (2024) Anticipatory Anxiety and Wishful Thinking American Economic Review 114, 926–960 PDF-file Link to article
5 MOST RECENT WORKING PAPERS (click for abstract)
Hoyer, Maximilian and Frans van Winden (2025) The Impact of Gifts and Shared experiences on an Investor-Manager Relationship PDF-file
Mol, Jantsje M., Ivan Soraperra and Joël J. van der Weele (2024) Spoiling the party. Experimental evidence on the willingness to transmit inconvenient ethical information PDF-file
Dasgupta, Sulagna, Lenka Fiala and Jantsje M. Mol (2024) For the 'Greater Good': Please Choose A PDF-file
Greevink, Ivo, Theo Offerman and Giorgia Romagnoli (2024) AI-Powered Promises: The Influence of ChatGPT on Trust and Trustworthiness PDF-file
Sun, Junze, Arthur Schram, and Randolph Sloof (2022) Public Persuasion in Elections: Single-Crossing Property and the Optimality of Censorship PDF-file