Dasgupta, Sulagna, Lenka Fiala and Jantsje M. Mol (2024) For the 'Greater Good': Please Choose A PDF-file Analysis
Greevink, Ivo, Theo Offerman and Giorgia Romagnoli (2024) AI-Powered Promises: The Influence of ChatGPT on Trust and Trustworthiness PDF-file
Mol, Jantsje M., Ivan Soraperra and Joël J. van der Weele (2024) Spoiling the party. Experimental evidence on the willingness to transmit inconvenient ethical information PDF-file analysis


Anselm, Regina, Deepti Bhatia, Urs Fischbacher and Jan Hausfeld (2022) Blame and Praise: Responsibility Attribution Patterns in Decision Chains PDF-file
Hoven, Monja, Alejandro Hirmas, Jan B. Engelmann, Ruth J. van Holst (2022) The role of attention in decision-making under risk in gambling disorder: an eye-tracking study PDF-file Link to article
Mermer, Ayşe Gül, Sander Onderstal, and Joep Sonnemans (2022) Can Communication Mitigate Strategic Delays in Investment Timing? PDF-file
Sun, Junze, Arthur Schram, and Randolph Sloof (2022) Public Persuasion in Elections: Single-Crossing Property and the Optimality of Censorship PDF-file


Fischbacher, Urs, David Grammling, Jan Hausfeld (2021) Redistribution beyond equality and status quo - heterogeneous societies in the lab PDF-file


Jaeger, Bastian, Bastiaan Oud, Tony Williams, Eva G. Krumhuber, Ernst Fehr, Jan B. Engelmann (2020) Trustworthiness Detection From Faces: Does Reliance on Facial Impressions Pay Off? PDF-file
Köbis, Nils C., Luca D. Mossink (2020) Creative Artificial Intelligence – Algorithms vs. humans in an incentivized writing competition PDF-file
Pace, Davide and Joël van der Weele (2020) Curbing Carbon: An Experiment on Uncertainty and Information about CO2 emissions PDF-file
Renerte, Baiba, Jan Hausfeld, Torsten Twardawski (2020) Gender, overconfidence, and optimal group composition for investment decisions PDF-file


Haushofer, Johannes, Charlotte Ringdal, Jeremy Shapiro and Xiao Yu Wang (2019) Income Changes and Intimate Partner Violence: Evidence from Unconditional Cash Transfers in Kenya PDF-file
Köbis, Nils, Marleen Troost, Cyril Brandt and Ivan Soraperra (2019) Social norms of corruption in the field – Social nudges on posters can help to reduce bribery PDF-file SOM Link to article
Ting, Chih-Chung, Stefano Palminteri, Jan B. Engelmann, Maël Lebreton (2019) Decreased confidence in loss-avoidance contexts is a primary meta-cognitive bias of human reinforcement learning PDF-file


Foerster, Manuel and Joël J. van der Weele (2018) Denial and alarmism in collective action problems PDF-file


Buser, Thomas, Louis Putterman and Joël van der Weele (2016) Gender and Redistribution: Experimental Evidence PDF-file
Loerakker, Ben , Nadege Bault , Maximilian Hoyer and Frans van Winden (2016) Asymmetry in the Development of Cooperative and Antagonistic Relationships. A Model-Based Analysis of a Fragile Public Good Game Experiment PDF-file
Max Hoyer and Frans van Winden (2016) Investors Have Feelings Too PDF-file


Kopányi, Dávid and Anita Kopányi-Peuker (2015) Endogenous information disclosure in experimental oligopolies PDF-file


Aaron Kamm (2014) Plurality Voting Versus Proportional Representation in the Citizen‐Candidate Model PDF-file Appendix1610.pdf
Weber, Matthias (2014) Choosing Voting Systems for Two-Tier Voting Behind the Veil of Ignorance: An Experiment PDF-file
Weber, Matthias (2014) Using the Coefficient of Variation to Solve the Inverse Power Problem in Two-Tier Voting Settings PDF-file
Weber, Matthias, Martin Schumacher and Harald Binder (2014) Regularized Regression Incorporating Network Information: Simultaneous Estimation of Covariate Coefficients and Connection Signs PDF-file


Grossman, Zachary and Joël J. van der Weele (2013) Self-image and strategic ignorance in moral dilemmas PDF-file
Kamm, Aaron and Arthur Schram (2013) A Simultaneous Analysis of Turnout and Voting under Proportional Representation: Theory and Experiments PDF-file
Robalo, Pedro, Rei Sayag (2013) Paying is Believing: The Effect of Costly Information on Bayesian Updating PDF-file
Schram, Arthur and Aljaz Ule (2013) Democracy and Regulation: The Effects of Electoral Competition on Infrastructure Investments PDF-file
Van der Weele, Joël J. (2013) Inconvenient truths: Determinants of strategic ignorance in moral dilemmas PDF-file
de Groot Ruiz, Adrian, Theo Offerman and Sander Onderstal (2013) Equilibrium Selection in Cheap Talk Games: ACDC Rocks When Other Criteria Remain Silent PDF-file


De Groot Ruiz, Adrian, Theo Offerman and Sander Onderstal (2012) Power and the Privilege of Clarity: An Analysis of Bargaining Power and Information Transmission PDF-file
Roel van Veldhuizen (2012) The Influence of Wages on Public Officials' Corruptibility: A Laboratory Investigation PDF-file
van Veelen, Matthijs and Julián García (2012) In and out of equilibrium II: evolution in repeated games with discounting and complexity costs PDF-file


Abbink, Klaus and Thomas de Haan (2011) Trust on the Brink of Armageddon: The First-Strike Game PDF-file
De Haan, Thomas and Jona Linde (2011) Nudge Lullaby PDF-file
Ishikawa, Daisuke and Yoshiro Tsutsui (2011) Reluctance to Lend and Its Spatial Differences in Japan's Lost Decade: What Can We Learn from It? PDF-file
Sasaki, Shunichiro, Shiyu Xie, Shinsuke Ikeda, Jie Qin and Yoshiro Tsutsui (2011) Time Discounting: Delay Effect and Procrastinating Behavior PDF-file
Shibamoto, Masahiko and Tsutsui, Yoshiro (2011) Note on the Interpretation of Convergence Speed in the Dynamic Panel Model PDF-file
Shibamoto, Masahiko, Yoshiro Tsutsui and Chisako Yamane (2011) Understanding regional growth dynamics in Japan: panel cointegration approach utilizing the PANIC method PDF-file
Tsutsui, Yoshiro (2011) Climate and Individual Well-being PDF-file


Ferro, Duco, Jona Linde and Gijs Schumacher (2010) Beating Around the Bliss Point, A Model of Coalition Formation and Coalition Agreement with Goal Diverse Parties PDF-file
Shimizu, Kazumi, Yuko Morimoto, Motoki Watabe, Takeshi Iida and Koichi Kuriyama (2010) Are People More Likely to Vote with "easy" Information than with "hard" Information? PDF-file
Tsutsui, Yoshiro, Uri Benzion and Shosh Shahrabani (2010) Economic and Behavioral Factors in an Individual's Decision to get an Influenza Vaccination in Japan PDF-file
de Groot Ruiz, Adrian, Roald Ramer and Arthur Schram (2010) Structure in Legislative Bargaining PDF-file ; appendix
van Veelen, Matthijs (2010) But some neutrally stable strategies are more neutrally stable than others PDF-file
van Veelen, Matthijs and Julián García (2010) In and out of equilibrium: evolution of strategies in repeated games with discounting PDF-file


Abbink, Klaus and Benedikt Herrmann (2009) The Moral Costs of Nastiness PDF-file
Abbink, Klaus and Benedikt Herrmann (2009) Pointless Vendettas PDF-file
Abbink, Klaus and Jordi Brandts (2009) Political Autonomy and Independence: Theory and Experimental Evidence. Revised version with new data PDF-file
Abbink, Klaus, David Masclet and Daniel Mirza (2009) Inequality and Riots - Experimental Evidence PDF-file


Abbink, Klaus, Thomas S. Jayne, and Lars C. Moller (2008) The Relevance of a Rules-Based Maize Marketing Policy: An Experimental Case Study of Zambia PDF-file
Gërxhani, Klarita and Arthur Schram (2008) Clan-based Polarized Voting: Empirical Evidence PDF-file
Krawczyk, Michal (2008) Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics. What You Can Do if Your p Value exceeds .05 PDF-file
Tyszler, Marcelo (2008) Strategic Use of Fiscal Deficit: an Experimental Study PDF-file instructions


Fong, Yuk-fai, Chen-Ying Huang and Theo Offerman (2007) Guilt Driven Reciprocity in a Psychological Signaling Game PDF-file


Booij, Adam.S. and Gijs van de Kuilen (2006) A Parameter-Free Analysis of the Utility of Money for the General Population under Prospect Theory PDF-file
Krawczyk, Michal (2006) Estimating Demand in Treasury Auctions: A Normal Cumulative Distribution Function Approach PDF-file
van Veelen, Matthijs (2006) Evolution of strategies in repeated games with discounting PDF-file
van de Kuilen, Gijs, Peter P. Wakker and Liang Zou (2006) A Midpoint Technique for Easily Measuring Prospect Theory?s Probability Weighting PDF-file


Egas, Martijn and Arno Riedl (2005) The Economics of Altruistic Punishment and the Demise of Cooperation PDF-file
Hopfensitz, Astrid and Ernesto Reuben (2005) The Importance of Emotions for the Effectiveness of Social Punishment PDF-file


Gaechter, Simon and Arno Riedl (2004) Dividing justly in bargaining problems with claims: Normative judgments and actual negotiations PDF-file
Kosfeld, Michael and Arno Riedl (2004) The Design of (De)centralized Punishment Institutions for Sustaining Cooperation PDF-file
van de Kuilen, Gijs and Peter Wakker (2004) Learning in the Allais paradox PDF-file


Bosman, Ronald and Arno Riedl (2003) Emotions and Economic Shocks in a First-price Auction: an Experimental Study PDF-file
Goeree, Jacob K. and Jens Grosser (2003) Costly Voting with Correlated Preferences PDF-file
Grosser, Jens (2003) Should I organize the conference? Cut-point belief reciprocity in an experimental public goods game with alternating, single decision makers PDF-file
Riedl, Arno and Jana Vyrastekova (2003) Responder Behavior in Three-Person Ultimatum Game Experiments PDF-file


Okada, Akira and Arno Riedl (1999) When Culture does not matter, Discussion paper Tinbergen Institute TI-99-043/1 PDF-file
Riedl, Arno (1999) Social (In)stability, Distributive Conflicts, and Investment in Poor and Rich Countries, Discussion Paper Tinbergen Institute TI 99-084/1 PDF-file
Sadiraj, Klarita and Arthur Schram (1999) Informed and Uninformed Investors in an Experimental Ponzi Scheme PDF-file


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